For those who are passionate about nutrition, fitness, entrepreneurship, and personal development but find it challenging to navigate the world of wellness all on their own...

Never rely solely on internet scrolling, endless YouTube searches, self-help books, or random online content again to achieve a lifestyle filled with relentless energy, purposeful habits, and natural vitality.

For those who are passionate about nutrition, fitness, entrepreneurship, and personal development but find it challenging to navigate the world of wellness all on their own...

Never rely solely on internet scrolling, endless YouTube searches, self-help books, or random online content again to achieve a lifestyle filled with relentless energy, purposeful habits, and natural vitality.

"Is this even possible? I've seen fitness influencers and wellness gurus live a ‘balanced life’, but it seems like a dream. I'm eager, but is it too ambitious?"

Take a look at humans just like you who have transformed their holistic mojo, making philosophy, nutrition, fitness, and entrepreneurial passions a way of life.

Using RAW strategies honed over time, shared experiences, and the most proven ancient wisdom & modern science practices...

Vital Camp will help you harness your most epic essence.

These are remarkable outcomes, especially when you're just starting your health hike. But we're here to show you that it's not only possible but achievable!

Countless conscious humans working with Christian and within this Vital Camp community have elevated their fitness, embraced a lifestyle approach to nutrition and fine-tuned their creative strategies online, witnessing a profound shift in their energy levels, physique, and entrepreneurial freedom.

All of these strategies are within your reach.

Now, it's your turn. As you explore this page...

Reflect on your recent holistic journey.

Be honest about your progress.

Challenge preconceived notions about raw living and the path to a vibrant life. Question what you've been told, especially if it hasn't delivered the results you desire.

Don't let the idea of transformation feel "unrealistic"...

If you're daunted by these esoteric possibilities, you are limiting your potential without fully exploring the incredible opportunities this world has to offer. Fear is the ultimate death of happiness.

Read until the end.

Accept Vital Camp's seemingly audacious guarantee...


First question: What's been holding you back from embracing holistic nutrition, achieving your fitness goals, and experiencing boundless vitality in even the simplest moments of your life?

Some may say it's a lack of knowledge, while others believe it's a genetic predisposition. Some even dismiss it as a scam because of misinformation from unreliable sources…

Challenge 1

You're stuck in a cycle of surface-level advice, investing in program after program, book after book, but still not achieving the energy, physique, growth and vitality you desire.

Challenge 2

You struggle to commit to the "right" holistic health and wellness entrepreneurship path, allowing the allure of quick fixes and fads to consume precious years of your life.

Challenge 3

You find yourself overwhelmed, paralyzed by the sheer volume of tasks, with a sense that there's not enough time in the day to prioritize your health or passion projects.

Challenge 4

You may doubt your readiness to fully embrace your health habits and entrepreneurship passion, even though others with basic skills are achieving remarkable results within months.

What kinds of skills?
Holistic Disciplines & Routines, Fitness-Enhancing Modalities, Mindful Ancestral Nutrition & Eating, and Business & Marketing Mastery

Challenge 5

Negative influences from your social circle—friends, family, acquaintances—sow seeds of doubt and pessimism, making it challenging to pursue a healthier life (AKA your current wellness community is lame AF and sucks)

Challenge 6

You lack a clear roadmap to build a sustainable personal and professional schedule... and the annoyances, self-doubt and frustrations kick in often. You're not alone; 95% of individuals who embark on this journey face similar challenges.

Bonus Challenge - The Most Daunting of All:

Continuing to make minimal progress, experiencing discouragement, giving up, and repeating the cycle until the worst outcome becomes reality...You become cynical, pessimistic, and resentful about personal growth and development, dismissing them as unworthy pursuits.

We believe you may have encountered at least one of these challenges...

Do you know anyone in this situation?

It's not a pleasant place to be.

Join Vital Camp & Rewild Your LifestyleJoin Vital Camp &
Rewild Your Lifestyle

How Do We Almost Guarantee These Kinds Of Results?

By Unlocking Your Potential in 5 Key Areas for Enhanced Vitality and Holistic Wellness.

Individuals often focus on what they believe will yield results, not necessarily what is scientifically proven to do so.

1. Holistic Nutrition and Gut Health

Discover the art of nourishing your body and optimizing your physical vessel without nutritional restrictions. Learn how to craft a sustainable and personalized nutrition plan that promotes scrumptious vitality and delicious fortitude. Understand the profound impact of gut health on your energy levels, testosterone, and life source. Explore the secrets (there are no "secrets" lol, just lots of raw unbiased knowledge) of cultivating a healthy gut microbiome for enhanced energy, immunity, and hormones. Learn EVERYTHING there is to know about optimal living with nutrition and your plate!

2. Mindset and Mental Resilience

Rewire your thought patterns to catapult your philosophizing wizardry to the next level (channel your inner guru via Marcus Aurelius, Ram Dass and other incredible leaders in wellness and mindset). Uncover the power of a clear and focused mind in navigating life's challenges and distractions with all things esoteric philosophy and ancient wisdom.

3. Holistic Fitness and Movement

Embrace the benefits of regular physical activity via unconventional approaches to fitness, from calisthenics to bodybuilding to endurance training. Discover effective and exclusive fitness protocols, harmonizers and tools that boost your energy levels, enhance your physique, and promote recovery. No BS 'gym bro' blah blah in Vital Camp. Only simplicity that stands the test of time for tried and true holistic fitness.

4. Esoteric Lifestyle Habits and Rituals

The internet is rife with 'must-do' complexities for 'health' and productivity that portray obsessive insanity that will eventually drive you into Crazy Town (think of all the mainstream Huberman protocols every grandma and dude is enslaved to today). Instead, design a life that aligns with YOUR personal and professional goals alongside the support of a like-minded, conscious tribe. Learn practical strategies to achieve your health objectives and create a balanced, fulfilling daily routine. No restrictions. No rules. Only choices.

5. Entrepreneurship & Business Growth

Learn how to package up your knowledge and skills into something you can sell that nearly forces people to take out their credit cards (even if you have the weirdest interests and skills). You also can't sell your products and services without people seeing them... learn how to automate your sales and close deals without a large social media following (even though you'll learn how to grow one). Vital Camp contains a copius amount of business and professional skills CVC has built from the ground-up since 2018 with his holistic lifestyle brand. He has coached 250+ clients, has drove in millions of organic content traffic each year, and scaled to 6 figures per year of passion-based cash by working only 4-6 hours a day. With your contribution, this online community will help you build a sustainable $10k/month business.

If you haven't realized it yet, this isn't solely about physical wellness...

While physical health is crucial, true vitality is rooted in spirit.

You must commit to ongoing self-improvement in body, mind AND spirit... not just the '3D' flesh and bones.

This commitment, combined in the collective consciousness sphere with other brilliant minds, is what leads to a flourishing, sovereign life.

“Who The Heck Are You?”

Aloha hey hello! My name is Christian Van Camp. I'm a multifaceted human, but I 'label' myself in this 3D realm as a Holistic Lifestyle & Performance Coach and Vitality Connoisseur.

My overarching goal is to invigorate and empower individuals towards embracing a life marked by robust health, spirited adventure, and harmonious equilibrium. Originating from a background replete with familial health struggles, financial hardship, trauma, and addiction, I have been impelled to embark on a profound journey, diving deep into ancestral wisdom and modern science explorations. The past nine years I've entrenched myself, not just in mere theoretical studies (like YouTube vids and endless books), but practical trial-and-erroring, what I like to call “Human-Guinea-Pigging”. I've tested a plethora diets, foods, supplements, fitness routines, movements, workouts, memory and meditation 'hacks', inner work rituals, sales techniques, marketing strategies, investing,... and so much more.

Lastly, I have been privileged to receive direct mentorship from esteemed leaders in the realms of health, longevity, and entrepreneurship, including the OGs Paul Chek, Troy Casey, and Ra of Earth. Guided by their wisdom, I have curated a holistic lifestyle program known as InnerFit—a comprehensive 12-Week Program designed to cultivate physical fortitude, boundless vitality, and spiritual resilience.

One of them recently made big feats in only 7-weeks (without any wild restrictions, obsessive tracking or any of that nonsense; just by leveraging his inner vitality):

And some more remarkable remarks about InnerFit

Since mid-2022, I've been advising conscious content creators, wellness coaches, and 'influencers' to strategize new heights in their business.

My social media following exploded to millions, with over 150,000 new Instagram followers in just six months. After streamlining my methods and achieving big wins for my clients, I decided to launch Vital Camp.


Vital Camp is a community of wild n’ conscious humans dedicated to the exploration, study, and expansiveness of health, fitness, philosophy, and business (primarily content creation and coaching).

Our network brings together passionate naturalists, aspiring entrepreneurs, wellness educators & students, and ancestral enthusiasts who share a deep commitment to fostering a greater understanding of themselves and the Earth at large. Whether you are now stepping foot on your health hike, or have been mastering it for years, Vital Camp is for any human devoted to holistic personal development.

This is NOT the place for Big Pharma, Big Corporations, Big Tech, Big Agriculture,...
Big GOV anything.

This is a RETREAT from the industrial complexes back into the truth of nature; our inner garden.

Through collaborative efforts, educational resources, and advocacy of nature-driven living, Vital Camp aims to connect spiritual humans, promote vitality, revere aesthetics & beauty, and inspire positive action for the preservation of life force energy, as the Ancients call ‘Chi’.

The 4 Core Values of Vital Camp:

Health, Wellness & Fitness

Mindfulness & Philosophy

Nature & Sustainability

Creativity & Entrepreneurship


Our members-only website is your VIP pass to access vital wellness & business growth content you won't find anywhere else on planet earth. It is a conscious creator-connecting paradise.

Gain Instant Access to Vital Camp's Comprehensive Toolkit:
Endless Holistic Optimization Resources: Access a library of 100s of ebooks, articles and ‘Vital Videos’ designed to empower your optimized living journey, updated weekly with fresh content (available on the Vital Camp App via IOS, Android, & Desktop)
24/7 Personalized Guidance & Community Support: Join discussions and forums to receive personalized support and advice from our friendly community of natural-living enthusiasts, where you can network and grow with like-minded individuals.
Step-By-Step Wellness Roadmaps: Follow our easy-to-implement roadmaps and esoteric modalities for integrating holistic practices into your daily routine.
Weekly Community Calls: Access Christian (CVC Wellness) directly in live Q&A every week along with monthly workshops, meditations, breathwork, nutrition talks, entrepreneurship growth and more with the complete Vital Camp tribe.
Vital Camp Challenges: Engage in focused habit-building challenges that boost your vitality, cognition, and overall quality of life.
Discounts and Early Access to InnerFit Men’s Lifestyle Optimization 12-Week Group + 1-On-1 Program launched every quarter and CVC-Recommended Supplements, Biohacks & Gadgets!
Okay. Now I Am Ready.
Gain Instant Access to Vital Camp's Comprehensive Toolkit:
Endless Holistic Optimization Resources: Access a library of 100s of ebooks, articles and ‘Vital Videos’ designed to empower your optimized living journey, updated weekly with fresh content (available on the Vital Camp App via IOS, Android, & Desktop)
24/7 Personalized Guidance & Community Support: Join discussions and forums to receive personalized support and advice from our friendly community of natural-living enthusiasts, where you can network and grow with like-minded individuals.
Step-By-Step Wellness Roadmaps: Follow our easy-to-implement roadmaps and esoteric modalities for integrating holistic practices into your daily routine.
Weekly Community Calls: Access Christian (CVC Wellness) directly in live Q&A every week along with monthly workshops, meditations, breathwork, nutrition talks, entrepreneurship growth and more with the complete Vital Camp tribe.
Vital Camp Challenges: Engage in focused habit-building challenges that boost your vitality, cognition, and overall quality of life.
Discounts and Early Access to InnerFit Men’s Lifestyle Optimization 12-Week Group + 1-On-1 Program launched every quarter and CVC-Recommended Supplements, Biohacks & Gadgets!
Okay. Now I Am Ready.

Join Vital Camp if...

You seek to explore the deeper layers of existence and uncover transformative insights

You sense an innate calling to pursue a higher purpose in life

You aspire to enhance your physical prowess, physique and energy

You possess a willingness to acquire knowledge and put it into practice while sharing what you already know to a receptive community

Your drive is rooted in not only personal success but also in uplifting those in your community (‘Sympatheia’ in Stoic Roots)

You desire to forge connections with like-minded individuals who embrace the nature-driven lifestyle

You appreciate the advantages of early access and exclusive discounts for the InnerFit Men's Lifestyle Optimization Program launched every quarter and future launches

You should NOT join if...

Your aspiration is merely to live an ordinary, commonplace existence, mirroring the masses

You hold NO necessity for enlightenment or reinforcement in the pursuit of your visions

You would rather work a dead-end 9-5 job being told what to do instead of crafting a distinctive brand or building wealth online

You believe your spiritual needs are already met in every way – spiritual, mental and physical growth doesn’t feel necessary

You already have a supportive network of conscious individuals in your life who align with your ideal lifestyle

In essence, if you're satisfied with the status quo and have no desire to grow, learn, or connect with a community that shares your aspirations, Vital Camp is NOT the right fit for you

Here's a challenge and guarantee for you...

If you dedicate 10 measly minutes a day to interacting in Vital Camp - you will not fail.

But here's the thing, if you can't muster up at least 1 hour a day to improve yourself and grow outside of the community...

Do. Not. Join.

We are an Inner Circle that is dedicated to living a meaningful life with Inner Work that invigorates us.If you do not have a similar vision, this group is not for you.

If you are ready to embark on this health hike of holistic supremacy, hit the button below and join Vital Camp.


Still have questions?

Email Christian and the team directly at and he’ll help you get things smoothed out.

Join the Vital Camp Tribe Now
Can anyone join?

Absolutely! Doesn’t matter what age or gender you are. Or what country you’re from. You’ll find the content valuable to your holistic growth.

I have a busy lifestyle, will this still help me?

Yes! You’ll find that the practical health advice inside Vital Camp is well-suited for busy schedules. In fact, many of my private clients are entrepreneurs and parents. But they still get sustainable results from using my methods

What does Vital Camp Circle offer?

Our Vital Camp Circle includes a diverse array of categories, each delving into various subjects. You'll find a vibrant group chat where everyone comes together, content related to physical fitness, holistic nutrition, biohacking tools, branding and business, a live video chat room, and an abundance of additional features and content.

Will I get a refund if I don’t like it?

Unfortunately not. Only cancellations. Why? Because the information inside is time tested and proven to get health and personal development results for 250+ people. But feel free to message for a refund if your situation is unique.

Is it possible to talk with Christian in Vital Camp?

Yes! I’m going to be active in the chats. So you’ll have direct access to me. And I'm also going to have weekly group coaching calls. Which normally goes for hundreds of dollars. But you get it as a free bonus if you’re a Vital Camp member.

Are there any prerequisites or specific skills required to join Vital Camp?

All you need is a willingness to learn and improve your life. That’s it. There are no hidden gimmicks or skills you need to join.

How frequently are new resources and content added to the community?

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the community portal. How much content I add may vary depending on what you guys want to see. If there's anything you want to learn more of, I'll be sure to add it!

Will my monthly rate stay the same?

If you lock in your spot, your monthly rate will ALWAYS remain the same. Even if I add 100 more hours of content.

How do I make the most of my monthly subscription?

Participate in discussions, challenges, Q&As, follow the roadmaps, and watch the vital videos. If you do not participate, you will not get results (or your guarantee). I recommend tuning in as often as you can without being “glued” to your device and obsessive about the next discussion, video, article etc. With that being said, if you join the wonders of Vital Camp, dedicating even just a mere 10 minutes a day will get you holistic results.

I am not interested in one of the topics, will I still get value?

Personal development, philosophy, fitness, nutrition, entrepreneurship and esoteric lifestyle support are the major topics. If you are not interested in one of them, yes, you will still learn a lot. However, I do not recommend joining the community if you don’t like holistic growth, as all are necessary to master yourself.

As a member, what sort of discounts are available?

We offer early access and exclusive discounts for the 12-Week InnerFit Men's Lifestyle Optimization Program launched every quarter of the year and various giveaways/discounts of CVC-APPROVED products in the community.

Still here?

I understand if you're feeling unsure right now. Making changes can be a challenge, but it's also an opportunity for transformation.

Let's embark on a health hike together. Take a deep breath and envision yourself a decade from now. What will your life look like if you continue with your current lifestyle and habits? Will you be thriving or merely existing?

If you fear the latter, you already know what steps to take (hint: it starts with clicking the button below).

But what if I told you that by embracing a holistic approach to health, nutrition, fitness, and business, you could accelerate your progress? Imagine reaching your 10-year goals in just 5 years, or even 1 year. This is the incredible power of community, focus, and actionable knowledge.

The choice to embark on this transformative journey is in your hands. Join us at Vital Camp, and let's shape a healthier, more vibrant future together.